West Suburban Humane Society has partnered with Grounds & Hounds Coffee Co., a premium coffee company with the mission to eradicate the unnecessary killing of sheltered dogs.

Animal control facilities vary vastly from one to another depending on county funding, residential support and the level of compassion the workers have for animals. Picture a small concrete shed down a dusty path in rural south-western Illinois. 

The Tuesday morning kennel shift can be compared to the Harlem Globetrotters.  They are quick on the court, they always know where each other is and are ready to catch the pass, and they have fun while slam-dunking their way through the kennel.  

While choosing a dog at the pound, many people are looking for the perfect dog. A dog they can play fetch with for hours, snuggle up to on the couch after a long day, and especially one that listens to their every command. 

Donate to WSHS

johnny jumpupWSHS can accept credit-card donations online using a secure server. Click on the Donate Now button. You can choose how your donation will be used! All donations are tax deductible.

In addition to monetary donations, we are always grateful for non-monetary donations. Click here to find a list of accepted items we would greatly appreciate receiving.