Resource Center: Helpful Pet Links

Pet Loss

The death of a beloved pet represents a very deep and significant loss to the loving human companion. It is normal to feel grief and mourn the loss of your beloved pet. You are not alone. To most pet owners, a pet is considered a member of the family.

There are several stages of grief (denial, anger or guilt, bargaining, depression, and acceptance), but not everyone experiences all of them or in the same order.  There is no right or wrong way to grieve; there is only your way. If you are having a difficult time with your pet’s death, you may want to discuss your feelings with someone trained to understand the grieving process, such as a grief counselor, clergy person, physician, social worker, or other mental health professional.

In addition, the following resources are available to help you while you mourn the loss of your pet:

Chicago Veterinary Medical Association, CVMA, Pet Loss Helpline
(630) 325-1600 

You will be asked to leave a message and your contact information.  A CVMA volunteer will contact you the earliest weekday evening following your message. They will contact you Monday through Friday between 7 - 9 pm.  If you leave a message over the weekend, a volunteer will call you Monday evening.  If you call on a holiday, a volunteer will call you the next weekday evening.

Dr. Linda Harper, Pet Loss Support, Palos Park, IL

Dr. Harper offers Zoom sessions through CVMS Wings Support in Burr Ridge. For more information visit

Pet Loss Website

Moria Anderson Allen is a writer and editor who has written several books on pet loss. She has a website robust with resources, including free handouts that can be printed and handedout as need. 


Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Grief Center

The Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Grief Center provides several online resources to help you mourn the loss of a pet. 

Resources include:

  • Pet Loss Grief Support Hotlines
  • Pet Loss Forum
  • Pet Loss Chat Room
  • Tips on How to Manage Your Grief Following the Loss of a Pet
  • Helping Children Cope with the Loss of a Pet
  • Grieving the Loss of a Pet During the Holidays
  • Empty Nesters and the Loss of a Pet
  • Signs you are Ready to Adopt a new Pet
  • Frequently Asked Questions about Pet Loss and Grieving

Click on the following link to access The Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Grief Center:

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johnny jumpupWSHS can accept credit-card donations online using a secure server. Click on the Donate Now button. You can choose how your donation will be used! All donations are tax deductible.

In addition to monetary donations, we are always grateful for non-monetary donations. Click here to find a list of accepted items we would greatly appreciate receiving.

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