From the moment he was found, Ramos was in bad shape. Brought to WSHS by a wonderful Good Samaritan, 2 ½ month old Ramos weighed less than 2 pounds when he arrived. If it wasn’t for the woman who found him, he would have surely died on the streets where he was born.

In an effort to save more needy cats and dogs in Chicagoland and beyond, we have created an emergency medical fund to ensure cats and dogs brought to our shelter will be able to receive life-saving veterinary care without hesitation. The fund, called the Mowgli Fund and named for an abandoned cat with medical issues who was saved by WSHS’ efforts, was started on #GivingTuesday, November 28th, 2017, with grassroots donations and an endowment from a longtime donor.

As much as people try, sometimes the resources just aren’t there to care for animals the way they should be cared for. That was the case with Helen’s original owner. She found Helen as a puppy and loved her dearly, but financially, adopting an animal at that time in her life wasn’t the most prudent thing to do. Puppies are cute though, and sound judgement is sometimes suspended because of said cuteness.

Traveling at 30 miles an hour in the early morning on a sleepy suburban road, Preston was trapped. Somehow his tail had become stuck in the axle of a car and now this poor cat had to run alongside the car for dear life while the unaware owner of the vehicle started their commute to work. While driving, the vehicle's owner heard what sounded like muffled yowling from outside the car. Upon stopping and looking around the vehicle the driver was horrified to find Preston, scared and bleeding, attached to the car.

On #GivingTuesday, November 28th, 2017, We Will Be Raising Money to Help More Animals Like Cody

Cody came to us from Perry County Humane Society, a no-kill shelter in southern Illinois who didn’t have the means to keep him at the time. We had Cody here about a week when we observed that he would sometimes limp when he was walking. Our volunteers also noticed that while he would try to run around and play, after about 5 minutes he would plop down and not want to get back up. We took him to the orthopedic vet where they discovered that he had a torn acl. They also found that his kneecap was not where it was supposed to be; they believed some sort of blunt trauma completely moved it.

Donate to WSHS

johnny jumpupWSHS can accept credit-card donations online using a secure server. Click on the Donate Now button. You can choose how your donation will be used! All donations are tax deductible.

In addition to monetary donations, we are always grateful for non-monetary donations. Click here to find a list of accepted items we would greatly appreciate receiving.